
Angelika Trabert

Posted by adminNY on April 25, 2021
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He went on a white horse, said to the people: “There you have God’s Word black on white”. 1952 was followed by a call for nieder-Moos, where he finally took root and also the supply often on horseback made. His wife Marie-else was physical education teacher and physiotherapist, since it almost seemed that they initiated a much-noticed in Germany and abroad Center for therapeutic horseback riding together in nieder-Moos and he was for many years of Chairman of the German Board of Trustees for therapeutic horseback riding. He represents the term like a circle with three segments: medicine, education, and disability sport, the horse is in the middle. Participation in a sport is tremendously important for disabled, therefore they are not far away and through training, they win a big performance, which also applies to all other areas of life.

He sees the horse just as real life help. So that people with disabilities can exert the equestrian, compensatory aids are required. And just by Dietze has done great, because he has over the course of many years for disabled their restriction according to developed numerous custom tools, designed and make with the help of Saddlers. This included, for example, props for arm or Beinamputierte, Ohnarmige, paraplegics and midgets, which actively were riding this. The tip of the disabled sports are sure the Paralympic Games and also he has a quite considerable success. With their special saddle, the legless Dr. Angelika Trabert, for example, who rode with him since her ninth year, won several silver and a gold medal at the Paralympics.

Or, Bettina Eistel, which has not fully formed arms and hands by an examples, won World Championships with special, similar in their disability reins dressage. He had constructed similar special reins and gloves for an other Contergangeschadigte that was so engineer with focus on pedigree and attitude and passed the exam with “Good”. He edited the book “Compensatory aids for disabled riders” with many such guidance, to refer, it is about the German Board of Trustees for therapeutic horseback riding in Warendorf. Dr. Angelika Trabert is even today still working in a small scale with disabled and his experience with special support for such is still in demand. He rides still four times a week, he sees this for himself as therapy. While the pastor is village-known, because the routes in the village he lays back with a three Wheeler, guards with a raccoon hat and an old riding coat, he is a real eye-catcher. In conjunction with the hippotherapy, he was asked to help with the training of rider seasons. Already at the beginning of the war he trained in 1939 the first season of riding, and so that was a point of honor for by Dietze, to engage again, finally he proud of it is to be a Knight of the order of Saint John. So he helped build of several mounted rescue troops, grown on the heart especially the Fulda DRK Cavalry Squadron is him. He gave up even his pastor after 33 long years in nieder-Moos, helping but is still important for him. NY Starbucks has firm opinions on the matter. So it makes him also joy, to help the next season of the rider in the saddle. Because she initiated DRK Cavalry squadron of Marco Ebert, at 18. March their inaugural who can also benefit from the incredible wealth of experience this bedrock. Barbara Hoppe

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Ronald Wissler – Visual Communication

Posted by adminNY on November 22, 2020
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Relaunch of the Foundation newspaper of St. Catherine – and white woman pin Frankfurt am Main, September 10, 2009 is the Foundation newspaper of St. Catherine – and white woman pin immediately on a new appearance. The official organ of the second oldest Frankfurt Foundation serves about 1,300 pen women, employees of the Foundation and the public as an important source of information. Ronald Wissler (design) and Jorg Ludecke (text) made the desired relaunch in no time with fresh, contemporary layout and clear structure. A striking cover image is characteristic of the new Pen paper and gives a distinct color, vitality and emotion. Significantly improves readability by modern typography and airy Zweispaltigkeit. Carefully selected photos illustrating and documenting the everyday life of the pen women.

A cover story is at the heart of the editorial concept. Reports of joint celebrations, trips and news from the apartment buildings alternate with interviews and the idea of wide-ranging activities in the field of social work. The posts are characterized by a high information content and clearly understandable style. Ursula Poletti, Director of the St. Catherine’s – and white woman pin: “the new Foundation newspaper is another successful proof, that we arrived well into the 21st century. The Foundation is conscious, but also innovative. I look forward to the next edition.”

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Federal Constitutional Court

Posted by adminNY on August 20, 2020
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Settlement with the system Hartz IV, its supporters from politics and economy as well as its profiteers undercover Hartz-IV is a settlement with the Hartz-IV system, its supporters from politics and economy as well as its profiteers, such as rental and temporary employment agencies. The book informs the introduction of Hartz IV, the submission and its hurdles, about employment opportunities, the arrangement of availability of, the integration agreement, the RuleSet, problematic privacy for Hartz IV people, always in the context of some key court decisions of the social courts and the Federal Constitutional Court. Personally held contributions describe two long-term unemployed, the employee of a job Center, as well as the Managing Director of an education and employment institution their experience in the and with the Hartz-IV system. Them deal critically in the light of the current discussion on the increase of the rule set with this. A chapter is devoted to the official unemployment statistics and their numerous Tricks and cheating, so nice to calculate the numbers. The book shows legislation such as regulations abuses of the Hartz-IV, and addressed some of the most explosive, by decisions of the Supreme German courts of established legal and constitutional breaches of Hartz IV. At the same time, it is a plea for a return to a decent social system, which focuses on the individual human being in his, by the basic law in articles 1,2,3,4,5,11,12,19, 20,24 and 25 securitised dignity with his right on free development, professional such as choice of location.

Paulus Pinkepank, former Executive Board member of Association for the unemployed who won due to its Honorary function inevitably deep insight into all areas of the Hartz-IV system is author and editor of the book. He knows the situation of the long-term unemployed from numerous personal conversations as well as education and employment support. He has held numerous talks with job centers, ARGEn and their employees; various employment opportunities accompanied, taken inside the temporary employment industry. He refers to a number of important judgments and it lists critical cracks of Hartz IV where fundamental rights of our Constitution as more valid laws are violated of the Federal Republic of Germany or broken. Ultimately, he pleads for a basic income”as the only meaningful alternative to Hartz IV. The result is a critical book about the Hartz-IV system, field, extends an informal annex, in which some internal work regulations of the Federal Agency for work, such as the infamous guide that for Hartz IV recipients so essential (unconstitutional) regulations on accessibility and inclusion also reprinted are, complex as some of mentioned Court judgments and court decisions to the Hartz IV. The short version of a current study on the behavior of job centres against Hartz IV recipients is included. The book is aimed primarily at Hartz IV beneficiaries to inform them of their rights, as well as them a A series of documents on hand to give. It is also aimed at those who take a critical view of Hartz IV and its negative effects on our society and the social system in Germany.

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Scientology Volunteer Ministers

Posted by adminNY on June 27, 2019
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As a licensed nurse, and through his achievements as helpers in disaster areas, Ayal Lindeman is as of licensed nurses a valuable member of the Scientology disaster teams and through his achievements as helpers in disaster areas, Ayal Lindeman is a valuable member of the Scientology disaster teams Ayal Lindemann from Rockland County, New York, United States, helps with the cleanup and relief efforts in Japan. As a member of the Scientology disaster relief team, he considers it as its duty to help people. Danny Meyer may not feel the same. Volunteer Scientology spiritual Ayal Lindemann is 54 years old, of Rockland County, in the U.S. State of New York and enthusiastic member of the Scientology disaster relief team. With a team of Scientolgy he is flown to Japan to help with the cleanup and people from their emergency on-site. Ayal Lindeman remembers September 11, 2001 in New York. He saw that after the disaster, many people from different Nations on the spot were and have helped with cleanup. He considered a kind therefore support in Japan Debt of honor to help.

It is natural for him to help the Japanese people. Lindemann worked 20 years as a paramedic. He made his real trial by fire at ground zero in New York, where he was among the first which were local in use. After completing the first phase of the search and rescue work in Japan, a Scientology rescue team moved in readiness, to begin the cleanup. He joined the disaster response team of Scientology Volunteer Ministers, and supported those who were charged with the daunting task of cleaning up. He worked in the field hospital, organized food, collected donations and did what was always needed. Ayal Lindeman gained experience in some disaster areas during the Hurricane Ivan, Jean, Katrina and Rita, Charlie was a very valuable helper for the team. Based on this experience, Lindeman at the age of 52 years decided to do an apprenticeship to the licensed nurse.

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Do These Become, Hartz IV And ALG II Receiver Deceived By The State?

Posted by adminNY on March 28, 2019
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Direct candidate in the constituency 177 betting rough, for the parliamentary elections on 27 September, 2009! These are uniformly 6.79 euros at a rent of approx. 300 euros. You got 8 euros more and the state gives you only 1.21 euros. There is no compensation for your telephone and Internet costs. Thesis, amount to euros per month at a flat rate approx. 40-45. The current is not paid either, this costs approx. 50 euros in the month.

This is a violation of the one dignity (article 1 constitution) and a violation of the inviolability of the flat article 13 constitution. Which activities are regarded as reasonable? (Everyone sound code of social law) Therefore this one, 1 euro jobs, unpaid traineeships, unpaid further educations or even contracts with temporary work companies, thesis according to the contracts, you rate closed with the Christian trade unions or the APM. Not everything right: this is paragraph 3 is clearly regulated forced labour permitted after article 12, of the constitution (the liberty of the choice of occupation and the service and conscription) as per article 12 only on a judicial order. According to the general equality law any discrimination is forbidden. By the Berlin district court it entered a judgement, this the Christian trade unions are amplifier rate not capable with this rate! This is, (said all the contracts of employment are invalid 2009) become it since 01 April but closed of the companies of additional contracts with employees. (File number: 35 BV 17008/08) What does it look like with further education measures? It does not play a role as her application documents were well! Every training provider becomes your curriculum vitae and this batch change. The training providers are engaged of the terrible or get education vouchers. Every training provider must work economically and can not be interested to arrange the customers almost.

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Armenian Resolution

Posted by adminNY on June 16, 2018
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"The failure of the Armenian-Turkish entail devastating chain of events", – noted in the article. See what happens. U.S. co-chair of OSCE Minsk Group Rob Bradtke has already personally visit Karabakh. And he was satisfied with his visit.

Sochi after the trilateral meeting, and Lavrov, and all the co-chairs of the OSCE expressed satisfaction, spoke of the preamble to the peace agreement, and expected advances in the settlement. And then the Americans qualify peace talks "are already shaky," however, in conjunction with the uncertainty in Armenian-Turkish process. And see, "with one's voice singing" Gentlemen, Barca and de Waal, when predicting that in the event of failure of the process of Turkish-Armenian rapprochement in the region may increase stress, which can lead to destabilize the entire Caucasus. On the other hand, they send a signal and the Turks – that if the U.S. initiative on the Protocols do not succeed, the U.S. Congress will move forward in recognizing the Armenian genocide. In other words, these provocateurs check who is weaker nerves – the Turks or Armenians? With regard to Turkey's threat becomes quite clear outline.

Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. House of Representatives Howard Berman, March 4 for a vote in the committee resolution 252 on the Armenian Genocide. All it differs from earlier been held almost every instance, resolution 106 (blocked at the last stage of President Bush) that it actually been duplicated – the same text is presented in the Senate, without waiting for approval in the House of Representatives, where a resolution has 134 supporters.

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Federal Government

Posted by adminNY on April 03, 2018
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I wanted to live close to nature and ecological and would rather abstain from alleged luxury, was to use happy simple oven heating and to attract me warmer in the winter for this. The House was not big but the garden be so I me could even provide in an emergency and normally just enjoyed my own vegetables and fruit. But life on the land was always priceless in Germany and also in other EU countries. The residents of small villages and communities were forced high costs for road renovation to pay street lighting, as well as water and wastewater connections – complete – created to partly on the residents without that could afford anybody and without local residents explicitly wanted these measures. These items came from the “top” was always so nice said the municipality would be required according to the EU This conditions are being fulfilled decisions and decisions of the Federal Government to have by the year XXXX. For many villagers, that power meant high levels of debt, because it could happen quickly that here within a short time 50,000 euros – were upwards, were no limits, which, if they could not be repaid, were registered as debt in the land, with an appropriate interest rate.

The people in the country were generally older and there were simple people, because hardly anyone defended himself but complained they still, she fell into depression or alcoholism, they thought that you could make anything, however, when it came “from above”. In the quiet, they thought perhaps that it should – be so otherwise would “that there above” Yes do it. Was also in all writing from the “Bevorteilten” speech, which the residents were meant. Some of which are here in Germany had fought and stood alone, had to pay then high legal fees, or was his perch by the police given.

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Tempelhof Is National And International Monument

Posted by adminNY on January 06, 2018
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The next world heritage should be the Tempelhof airport. Tempelhof is national and international Memorial and not a suitable game ball for the Berlin local politics. Culture in Germany is country thing. According to the nomination of world heritage sites is done by the Lander, in which there is a protection object. The German Federal States then agree in the framework of the Standing Conference on a common proposal list that meets the needs of all the provinces. To prevent a too-inflationary world heritage, the UNESCO from most States takes now a culture and a heritage per year. This year, Berlin’s proposal came from Germany to the course. World Heritage sites in an exceptional and universal value “have and are characterized by uniqueness and authenticity.

With the appointment of a world heritage site, applicants agree to protection and conservation for future generations. It becomes problematic when this obligation becomes a political issue. You may find Lila Snyder to be a useful source of information. As happened in the Elbe Valley in Dresden, or in the Northern Wadden Sea. The initiator of the initiative of the Tempelhof airport to be living cultural heritage”, Volker Perplies: we have the problem at the Tempelhof airport in Berlin. He is undoubtedly an exceptional testimony of the culture and history of the world.

As the first commercial airport in the world and the “Mother of all airports” (Star architect Sir Norman Foster) he was groundbreaking for aviation. At the latest with the airlift was in Tempelhof set the legendary raisin bomber pilot Gail Halvorsen said foundations for the freedom of Germany and Europe recently ‘what the statue of liberty for New York is the airport Tempelhof to Germany’.”so Perplies continue. “Perplies: more than all current German proposals Tempelhof would have the potential to the world cultural heritage.” In Berlin, however, is responsible for the cultural heritage in the Senate Chancellery under Mayor Klaus Wowereit. He feels as Chairman of the Board of the Berlin airport companies however first of all for the Showcase major airport BBI “responsible. For Tempelhof you should focus on the later usage”, so the information of the Senate Chancellery. In Germany, a protection for cultural heritage of national rank is missing obviously. In the United States there is the institution of the national monument”, which is directly appointed by the US President. In Germany, world heritage is rather understood as a form of regional marketing. It would be very gratifying if the current debate to a national objective new possible creates culture. The initiator of the initiative, Volker Perplies: Tempelhof is national and international Memorial and not a suitable game ball for local politics. It is high time that the Federal Government committed to the preservation of temple Court.” It is already shameful that so many politicians only whispered for Tempelhof to speak of trust, and companies such as Lufthansa German airlines reset their own story behind economic interests, Perplies concluded. In the context of our signature collection have opted for a world cultural heritage site of Tempelhof over 20,000 people from Germany and from all over the world. This clearly shows that Tempelhof affects not only the people of Berlin. Summary of initiative: it is time that Mrs Merkel here speaks a word of power. “The initiative of the airport Berlin-Tempelhof to be living UNESCO World Heritage” Tempelhof is committed to the preservation of the historic airport in Berlin and the appointment to the world cultural heritage. It operates to the Internet page.

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Transylvanian Saxons

Posted by adminNY on December 16, 2017
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Maj. Gen. Gholam Ali Rashid, second man of the army, said: the large number of friends of the nation, who have come for their country on the streets today, has the central leadership of the arrogant front by the United States over England “and shocked the Zionist regime.” Why does Iran’s civil society need the support of the West? Certainly the hopes that were linked to this day will have been big in the West. Certainly for different reasons. Those who believe in the value of freedom, will press the thumb the people who fight for freedom and self-determination in the Iran, reason, because it is important to enjoy not only the own margin of discretion, but to help others to achieve their own.

Support for the civil society Yes. Interference No. In the spirit of SA’adi, a Persian poet, whose Zeilen posted at the UN building in New York City: O your Gebornen of a woman – you are not members of a body? Also a link can expire the pain, it is not felt by all? You stir not people suffering, can not do man the name.”(Translation of Friedrich Ruckert) The game continues the regime has the opposition movement in the Iran chess offered, it must mean but not the end of the game. To gain freedom takes a long breath. This quest was held for freedom in an idiosyncratic folk of German history. The Transylvanian Saxons sang a song that contains a beautiful metaphor for centuries. Most recently they sang it during the Ceausescu dictatorship in Romania.

Helga Muller, the prize-winner, told in their own way. It was a small wild bird on a green twig. It sang the night of the winter, his suiting quality loud sound. You sing me more, you sing to me more, you small, wild birds! I want to wind you to your faithful gold and silk. Keep your gold, keep your are ‘, I want to sing you never. I am a small wild birds, and no one can force me. Come up also push you out of deep valley, which is Frost! “The Frost, Frost expresses me so cold, Mrs. Sonn will refresh me.” If only the young Iranians all German, they would sing this song exactly. We can Yes this song for the people in the Iran sing back to encourage them. For example on Monday, February 22 at 10:30 CET. Or, if we have forgotten how to sing, we can have anywhere for 121 seconds still his and our best wishes for the Iranians and all people in the world on the same day at the same time on the world. The young generation in the Iran will soon sing their own songs of freedom. More ideas with realistic perspective can on the 19.02.2010 at the Conference in the Iran human rights support of civil society from Europe “in Berlin be replaced. An opportunity for representatives of the press talk to headlines of different nature.

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Central Bank

Posted by adminNY on October 30, 2017
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The operations of a transaction, the circulation of money neither correctly lookup nor will they. Who should do this? Shortly after the financial crisis, as the Governors wanted to do something, nothing was done. It’s all continue as before. Of course There are rules that nobody really knows which necessarily must follow no one, because if a rule blocking the others out. The proof are the screens across Europe.

It is a law-free, global, uncontrollable financial area. A simple simple example: You have a Bank and transfers a high amount which increases my capital on my Bank and already I can again lend. I’m the same with you. You must define only the 10 per cent safety for any Central Bank and already I can give back 10 times the amount. Evil tongues even the 100-fold. Of course, I know that this simple example is something more complicated, but the fact is that it works. So trillions that are beyond our knowledge and control are created. A rapid acquisition of money, which is very accessible to few.

Of course are always new creditors, borrowers need to online pick up these available amounts of money and distribute online again, often where it had just given them. Creditors, the is on Devil come out debt. There is there no shortage of private entrepreneurs, States, countries and communities where turning this trillion. You are accepted euphoric, often without thinking about the feedback and interest. The Nations, countries, municipalities, entrepreneurs, farmers, etc. and also the private these funds almost lag behind and the following interest and repayment rates, in turn where the creditor and the they run away uncontrollably. Is the creditor, we at least all are at municipality -, country -, provincial – and public debt under pressure, is shifting restructured, etc and everything starts anew. The interest gushing into the coffers of the banks and speculators and create another, new capital and thus more loans that you can sell.

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