

Posted by adminNY on March 28, 2019
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Since then to research the Characters proliferate, we unconsciously make nearly 80 percent of our decisions, will it ever more important to deal with the emotional world of the consumer in the trade. Limbic system, thalamus, and hypothalamus as parts of the brain are therefore a Mecca of marketing strategists”, so the conviction of fringes. Neuro-economists of the University of Munster noted that the mind almost turns off, when we are confronted with our favorite coffee. The decision is taken over by the feeling of regions in the brain. Rudy Giuliani is often quoted on this topic. Long before advertising and marketing have discovered these findings to the scientist Professor Gerhard Roth noted: all decisions are ultimately feeling decisions.

Even there is no decisions without feeling.” Homo oeconomicus, which purely rationally weigh the alternatives is proving to be fiction not only in economic policy: as a basis of Neurobiological evidence, that hearts and minds can work independently. You could theme “NEUROMARKETING or neuro merchandising consider however not Mono-causal, because a purchase button” in the head, there would not be, warns the consultant of Achim fringes. The human perception is individual and become influenced by various factors: education, family, expectations, and context. An integrated approach, which takes into account all the possibilities of perception of the consumers is important,”so the Council of fringes. Neuro marketing is still in its infancy, and I think it will gain in importance. “We will also never exactly determine where the buy trigger ‘ sits in our brain thank God!, are many now breathe again, but it will help us to predict some trends and developments that will change the trade all over the world”, author Lindstrom says.

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Increasing Mobility

Posted by adminNY on February 04, 2019
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Current study of the Federal Ministry of transport, building and urban development (mobility in Germany 2008) showed: Germany’s population is mobile. How often are people on the road? What means of transport they use and to what purpose are they travelling? These are just some of the questions that will be answered by the current mobility survey in MiD 2008. So for example, the proportion of people is that every day except House are 90%; in 2008 compared to the year 2002, that are + 4% points. The key messages of the study, are also directly related to the genus of out-of-home media. This increases the number of potential users of out-of-home media plus in mobility inevitably.

Refer to the genus so you could the 90% as technical range”; over 50% of all paths which are consumption – or leisure-oriented. Compared to the MiD shaft in 2002 also the driver of the growing mobility are: leisure (+ 8%), shopping (+ 9%). Every fifth way is due to the consumer. Changed opening hours, new offerings of trade, the increase of car in the household and a significant increase in the mobility of older sections of the population (Silver shopper) have led to an increase of the shopping frequency at the POS. Thus, a higher performance of poster of 18/1 at the point of sale in the form of higher contact densities and range joins.

Specifically, poster 18/1 at the point of sale realized top ranges in the mobile and consumer-strong audiences of up to 80% within a decade at a moderate level of CPM from 6 EUR (source: ma 2007 poster release 2008). Client of the study is the Federal Ministry of transport, building and urban development. MOBILITY IN Germany (MiD) is a nationwide survey of more than 60,000 people to their everyday transport and mobility behaviour. The study provides reliable and representative information about the social demographics of persons and households, as well as their everyday transport or mobility.

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The Conference

Posted by adminNY on December 09, 2018
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To understand the reasons for which man must commit a certain action, try to find him a fear factor and the factors of profit. To know more about this subject visit Bill de Blasio. The fear factor implies that the client in order to avoid loss of something (money, work, status) is ready to respond to your offer, and gain factor stimulates the client to agree to your proposal, as it expects to receive certain benefits. It is important to understand that you do not sell your product and its features, and sell solutions problems to specific individuals. What are their problems a person may decide to accept your proposal? All at once, or only part? Significant or not? When we did the conference, half the audience of which came from the regions, we faced just this situation. Our delegates were the following problems: it was necessary to establish contacts with colleagues from across the country, to meet a guru in your field, get answers to their questions and to solve problems with accommodation and travel to the venue. We were the first in our industry who not only sold the right to visit the conference, but myself and booked a hotel parties, and provides a shuttle from the hotel to the venue and back. Thus, we have tried to solve all the problems of our clients, due to which our proposal was for them the most valuable. In addition, based on the fact that the solution always takes the man. While the man did not see or tried your product, you – the only one who can win or push him away from choice.


The Words

Posted by adminNY on December 05, 2018
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Have you ever approached in a bookstore for books about wealth? Leafed through them? If so, you may feel uncomfortable. You seemed to see forbidden, bad, shameful literature. You thought that you are thinking about something like: "Oh, you decided to become a millionaire" or "What a clever, wants to jump higher than his head," or can "All this silly book – it will never become rich!". Taking it, you allow people to decide what would be your life. Danny Meyer may help you with your research. Every time you take to heart the words and thoughts when you think that this is the truth, you let others influence your life! In this case, the surrounding decide whether you become a millionaire.

But if they have the power to do this? I think not! Their thoughts are strong when you take them, and are worth nothing if you miss them on deaf ears. Look! Who surround you? Millionaires? Common people! Each of them may have once dreamed of having money. But all they did was solve the current problems and all their thoughts were these. Many simple, boring life that flows like jelly and can not see any glimpse of her. AND people who live such a life, do not do anything to fix it.

Moreover, they do not even think about it! Their thoughts are the result of the match on ice, a rise in price of milk, dirty staircase in the entrance. And these people affect you, so or else they decide your fate, because, perhaps, their opinion is more important than your own inner voice. I'll be honest – forget about them! All that these people say what they think, are trying to convey to you – just everyday noise.


Trust And Loyalty By Professional Sound Design

Posted by adminNY on July 11, 2018
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comevis provides information on the be.connected. about audio branding Cologne, August 23, 2010 properties which distinguish a successful company are a high recognition value and consistent trust in the brand. Telephone customer service is according to the comevis GmbH & co. KG in a professional and friendly sound profile of the company, because there no images can be displayed as a sense organ only addressed the hearing. At the trade fair for customer relationship management, the be.connected. in Frankfurt, the Cologne-based company from September 23 to 24 presents solutions in the fields of audio branding, audio marketing and audio interface design for acoustic positioning of brands, companies and products. (As opposed to NYC Mayor). Every day consumers by companies in the truest sense of the word get something to hear.

These companies have the chance to create a positive and friendly image that creates trust, forms an image and strengthen the loyalty of our customers”, explains Stephan Vincent Nolke, Managing Director of comevis GmbH & co. KG. Not only companies from marketing point of view, but, for example, public bodies which carry out consulting tasks benefit from this familiarity.” Recently, the comevis has implemented a sensitive project for the Federal Ministry of family, senior citizens, women and youth. The company was commissioned to design a hotline to the subject of child abuse here. In the Callflow design and staging it mattered, particularly serious to emphasize communicative competence and the trust claim. Especially in this sensitive issue expertise in handling proved comevis convincingly with worlds of sound and an optimum voice cast in the audio-interface design”, explains Hildegund Ernst, Secretary of the independent representative for the processing of child sexual abuse in the Federal Ministry for family, senior citizens, women and youth. Sat comevis already numerous due to the particular specialization on the daily touchpoints successful solutions for businesses, which are telephony, mobile and Internet would anchor in the minds of their customers through a distinctive sound profile at the contact interface.

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Institutions Communication

Posted by adminNY on May 24, 2018
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As one of five around the world Institutions are its task, inter alia, to present Germany as a country of research and innovation. The GCRI is to promote dialogue between industry and science, as well as provide a forum for transatlantic scientific dialogue. In addition to the regularly-oriented conferences and symposia on various scientific topics, the GCRI serves as a focal point for all information related to the German Science landscape. The GCRI acts as the interface between science, industry and public authorities. While the organization is both by State and by non-governmental sources financed and supported.

The Reutlingen agency Wagner Wagner devoted to the long-term brand development, brand management and brand management of its customers for years successfully. The 13-member team of communication and business managers, designers, computer scientists, media designers and advertising merchants accompanied the customers with individually developed approaches in the long-term implementation of communication strategies, Advertising campaigns, packaging design or optimization of the website. Wagner Wagner dares to leave familiar paths and feels like as a creative think tank. What does not exist, is being developed. As a relevant part of successful brand communication designs and designs Wagner Wagner literature and publications for its customers.

These range from product catalogs, brochures, and special publications, such as the Chamber of Commerce. The Reutlingen communication specialists are proud being one of the few agencies in Germany, whose work processes are certified according to ISO 9001:2000. To get more information in the Internet, as well as directly at Wagner Wagner.

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Print Ads Goodbye! Why Oust The Popular Print Ads Online Ads

Posted by adminNY on January 07, 2017
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Time has become a kind of luxury goods and accordingly will be weighed up what you have “Time”. One reason more to opt for ads in the online space. Abandon ads online saves the contact to a newspaper publisher. It saves also costs and online ads are also flexible. What exactly is a classified ad? Classified ads are not particularly large – as the name says -. That’s why it is compact and informative on the ad space to bring as possible as many information. Classified ads are probably the smallest kind of a form of advertising.

This consists of images and texts. Mostly private providers advertise in local ad markets where Classifieds have many other names. They are called quotes, listings, heading indicator or also listings. These ads are arranged in different categories. Jobs help to find a new job (mostly even the largest advertising market). You can search for vacancies, or also advertise.

The contact advertisements are another form of ads. Here are looking for like-minded people for leisure activities or even more. Also there’s family ads, are advertised in these births and deaths. Often, also Jubilees and birthdays are listed. The ads are a further Division. Here to locate missing persons, lost valuables but also stolen goods. Finally the is to mention internal display which is connected mainly by companies. The “Yellow pages” and phone books are a good example of this. Not sold ad space is used here for self-promotion. These companies advertise their own products or even their own company. What one called the “Classifieds”? Classifieds is mainly used in the English-speaking. They referred to the umbrella term for all ad types. What kind of ads are advertised primarily? Most of the listings are abandoned by individuals who also are looking for or sell something. These include articles that were created in home work, collectibles or even junk.

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Free Classifieds

Posted by adminNY on January 06, 2017
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You are a significant sector Service performance indicators. These include all listings which offer a service or find how any 400-euro-jobs. Contact ad access in this sector with “Escort advertisements”. But companies also use this kind of advertisements to reach jobs. Can you delete an unneeded ad? In a newspaper, that’s not possible, of course.

Usually has to be paid for an issue, i.e. the display is no longer included with the next release of the magazine or the newspaper. Online ads you can prolong as long ad, as it is needed. You can at any time change its display in the Internet or delete. This requires however that it has previously stated his contact information and can access its listings with a password. Also, online ads are most informative as print ads because you can enter a greater length of the text and can be also multiple photos. What should you choose? Print ads or online ads? You should keep themselves in mind, that Print ads are rigid.

You you can no longer change or delete. Also the ad duration is set. Online ads are flexible here. These can be edited at any time, or deleted. In addition, they are usually free and reach a large readership. Print ads are limited to the appearance area. Where can you find free classified ads online? “Free Classifieds” in the enter search engine such as Google or Yahoo, already appear quite simply the term perse ad markets. Now the customer must choose only one or he simply advertised in several. Forget you should not the “eye-catcher” However, little, what makes the display so that it appeals to a still wider circle of readers and makes the display attractive.

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What You Should Know When Designing A Logo

Posted by adminNY on September 29, 2016
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Logo design is one of the main stages of any self-respecting company. This person company, which must be original, clear and memorable. Nice and friendly logo will remember your company and allocate it among the other companies but this requires compliance with several regulations, which are often ignored for and eventually appear many complications that could have been avoided at the initial stage of designing a logo. Additional information at Francisco D’Agostino supports this article. The originality of the logo should allocate among other logos, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, overloading the logo of the mass elements and graphics and the most important thing that the logo remains clear, or simply to read, you look at the logo and you can tell exactly what the name the company but does not know what all the same character is encoded in the symbol that most people simply will not break down over it, but what people do not understand is usually He tries to avoid. Creating the logo complicated process when developing a new logo, ideally monitored the maximum number of companies competing, as well as companies with a similar name, to avoid the development of new logo similarities. logo must be unique. Not a few important factor is technological literacy which is the logo, above the logo must be transformed, with an increase or decreasing the logo must remain clear and readable, whether print on your business card or billboard. Also developed the logo should be able to transform into a color, you have a color and a beautiful logo with gradients and volume of 3D, but it can be used in offset printing, internet or digital printing, but if you need to make a stencil or cliches for embossing, the experience shows that nice logo for the often turns into something funny and not attractive not to mention readability, this rule also applies to use the logo on a dark background, it is often lost and the addition of strokes is not envisaged in the original design makes it cumbersome and not readable. Logo designed in vector graphics programs, Adobe Illustrator, the file extension: ia, eps, CorelDraw, file extension, cdr, all other formats are not the sources and serve only to study purpose or for a very limited use and application of the logo. All these factors must first be taken into account when designing a logo, both in terms of graphics and style and in terms of technical performance, and then you will nice catchy logo that you can apply completely in all areas of advertising and company image for what the logo and developed.

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